Do you think you've got a digestive issue?
We can address your concerns.
IBS is increasingly common and always unpleasant. You will frequently feel gut discomfort and pain, and diarrhoea or constipation are often part of the problem too. It can also be a long-term condition that can blight everyday activities. We are here to help.
As specialists in IBS care we will be your partner in care, taking the time to understand your health concerns. This means identifying the reasons for your health issues. The causes behind the symptoms. We will also help you put in place a comprehensive programme that modifies your diet and lifestyle. Our role extends to supporting you through the process, reviewing and adapting the programme if needed.
We are frequently asked these questions:
Gas and bloating don't just happen. They are symptoms of underlying problems in your gut health. Sometimes caused by stress, poor diet or medication.
These conditions can lead to feelings of isolation and embarrassment.
Your gut health is dependent on many different factors. Our home test will help you determine what's going on and put together a game plan to help relieve you of this problem through diet changes, lifestyle tweaks and the right supplements for your unique situation.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is an inflammatory condition of the small intestine. It's a common complaint and easy to test for. As with all our tests, we've selected our SIBO test to help you understand your body better. We're confident that your test results will provide you with valuable information about your gut health.
Why take a SIBO test?
If you are experiencing bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, cramping, fatigue, and diarrhoea, these are typical symptoms of SIBO. You may also be having a loss of appetite, and weight loss or low-grade fever, malaise, and sometimes joint inflammation.
We recommend an easy non-invasive method to diagnose SIBO, the lactulose hydrogen breath test. To take this SIBO test you breathe into a balloon to measure the baseline level of hydrogen in the breath. Then consume a small amount of lactose and you measure the quantity of gases produced at 20-minute intervals for three hours. A raised level of hydrogen and methane in the first 90 minutes after consuming lactulose indicates excessive bacterial fermentation and is indicative of SIBO.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a very common but not openly discussed health condition. Yet it can impact all areas of a sufferer's life, and affect their ability to work.
Because the disorder is gut and digestion related, and some symptoms are considered hard to acknowledge and talk about, IBS can be embarrassing. Lacking a specific pathology, or a certain cause makes it is also an elusive subject.
Indeed one person's experience of IBS is rarely the same as another's. Typically though sufferers feel chronic abdominal pain, bloating and have unpredictable bowel movements. Constipation and diarrhoea vary, with anxiety and depression accompanying them. In summary then, IBS can be both a long term and a disruptive condition that can affect people's working lives.
The Equality Act of 2010 states that an impairment doesn't have to be a diagnosed medical condition. A physical impairment is where something is having a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
This impairment "doesn't have to stop you doing anything, as long as it makes it harder. It might cause you pain, make things take much longer than they should or mean that you're unable to do an activity more than once." Citizens Advice Bureau
So IBS can clearly be classed as a disability. As specialists in treating IBS we can help you address and resolve it. The best place to start is with a call to talk things through.
IBS Clinics. Specialists in IBS care.
Have you a specific test in mind?
You may prefer to take some initial tests and have the results reviewed as part of an initial consultation.
Please take a look at our specific advice on tests.
What our customers say
Deborah, I was told my strong recovery was a direct result of my vitality and general health...
EM, Patient who suffered with IBS for 10 years, SIBO confirmed via breath test
Address Causes
We are a team of qualified Nutritional Therapists and specialists in IBS care, based in the UK. Our focus is on identifying the root causes of your health issue so we can resolve it. We follow the principles of Functional Medicine to do this. So we can provide a personalised plan to restore your digestive health
Diet & lifestyle
We also help put in place a comprehensive programme to change your diet and lifestyle. Our role is to support you through the programme, reviewing and adapting it as needed. Our patients can expect to achieve significant reductions in their symptoms by their 3rd session. This is usually 3-4 months from the outset of investigations and commencement of a treatment regime.
Alleviate Symptoms
Do you have symptoms and suspect your digestive health is less than ideal? Are you wondering whether you have a digestive disorder? Take a look at our symptoms guide. Are the feelings we describe familiar? Let us help you to alleviate the causes and symptoms of IBS or any other gut condition that you may have.
Long Term Commitment
Our goals are to ease symptoms and address causes of your gut condition. As functional medicine practitioners we focus on making sure that your improvements are long term. Staying in touch with you to review the changes that were made and their continued impact. This does not mean full consultations or elaborate reviews. But a general catch-up, and an occasional test, to keep your health and wellbeing on track.
Would you prefer to talk to someone? We can talk through your issues and discuss your symptoms. Please book a free initial 15-minute telephone, Skype or Zoom call, by following this link.
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Secure online or in-clinic consultations
We operate individual consultations via Zoom, or Phone.
Food is medicine. Get diet and other tips in our newsletter
Take a quick look at some amazing facts about gut microbiota
Addressing your issue with our phased approach
Step 2 - Initial modifications
Simple dietary modifications will be recommended to ease your discomfort whilst we wait on test results (and confirmation) of your health issues.
Step 3 - Review tests
Meet to discuss test results (full colour copies of results provided), and your feedback from step 2.
Step 4 - Detailed programme
A tailored health programme will be devised and sent to you. This includes a brief synopsis of your test results, recommendations for diet (with handouts and meal recommendations), lifestyle modifications (sleep hygiene, exercise, self-care, meditation etc) and recommendations for supplements to support and promote healing.
About the IBS Clinics team. Specialists in IBS care.
Tracey Randell formed IBS Clinics to be specialists in IBS care. Tracey studied clinical nutrition at BCNH College of Nutrition and Health. Dealing with her own IBS and weight issues was the catalyst to initially study nutrition for Tracey. Both issues resolved during her studies, and she discovered a passion for nutrition and a strong desire to help other people to get well, resulting in her later qualifying as a Nutritionist. (Tracey is now a lecturer at BCNH).
Today IBS Clinics are a team of leading digestive health specialists. We offer the highest standards of professional, evidence-based treatments and programmes. Our clear focus on you and your needs is always delivered with empathic support.
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Head Office: Cavendish Osteopaths, 45 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9JF | Telephone: 01296 612202