
Tests as part of our programmes

Testing can be important at different stages of our programmes. For example early testing helps us to determine specific imbalances or deficiencies. Equally later tests can be part of special diets or supplement programmes.

Also testing helps us track the success of specific treatments. Indeed long-term nutrition and lifestyle changes are also best measured through tests.

We select and work with leading specialist testing companies around the world. The range that we offer includes stool, SIBO breath, hormone and adrenalin tests. But we also undertake blood chemistry, detailed nutrient, and metabolic analyses.

Most of our tests are self-administered. So you can order them with us for delivery to your home. The test package will contain everything that you need to carry out the test. Also included will be clear, careful instructions, plus the packaging to send results for analysis.

Included in any of our simple to use gut health home test is an online or phone based session with a member of our team. In this discussion, we will interpret the analysis from the test and suggest next steps for you.

Many factors impact health such as genetics, diet, lifestyle, toxicity exposure and stress. That’s why with our therapeutic approach we aim to understand all these factors. So diagnostic tests can be very helpful in determining key imbalances in your body.

When we must administer a test we will of course conform with the latest Covid-19 regulations and advice. Full safeguarding and social distancing measures will be in place. We will deploy appropriate PPE to keep our clients, team members safe.

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Main test groups

SIBO Breath Test

A SIBO Breath test identifies hydrogen or methane dominance in individuals. The test can also show hydrogen sulphide SIBO. These test results drive our treatment plan. Read our detailed review of SIBO tests here.

IBS Tests

We offers both basic and comprehensive stool tests. So while both tests provide vital information for IBS sufferers, the comparison below highlights the differences. 

Both tests show the presence of yeast, bacteria or a parasitic infection. They also give an approximation of the volume and diversity of normal gut flora, as well as providing bacterial and fungal sensitivity panels. 

Stool testing

The stool test we use is consistent with NHS practices. Key indicator include calprotectin, fecal fat, pancrelipase and occult (hidden) blood levels. 

With this test we also highlight immune function in the gut as well as DNA of bacteria, yeasts and parasites. (link to detail below)


Our stool tests check for parasites like giardia, dientamoeba fragilis and blastocytis hominis.  These cause digestive issues and are not always detected in NHS parasite tests. 


DNA tests identify Candida Albicans and the 20 other strains of candida. This test helps to resolves separate causes for similar symptoms, like SIBO and SIFO.

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Food intolerance tests

A food allergy is a severe almost immediate reaction to food. The symptoms can be difficulty breathing, rashes, swelling, or a runny nose. But in some cases a life- threatening anaphylactic shock is the result.

Food intolerances are different and can take a few hours or more to show up. Up to 40% of us experience some type of food intolerance in our lives. But many people are intolerant to many foods and so experience more than one symptom. Our food intolerance symptoms include:

  • Asthma
  • Bloating 
  • Constipation
  • Eczema
  • Fatigue 
  • Fluid retention
  • Headaches and migraines
  • IBS
  • Rhinitis
  • Sinusitis 
  • Skin problems

Often if someone has a food intolerance, there is underlying poor health of the gut. 

A food intolerance test helps to us identify and address key allergens. Alleviating the inflammation caused by intolerance, gives the body the opportunity to heal. 

But the intolerance will have caused damage to the gut lining. So it is important to examine underlying causes.  Frequent causes include poor diet, stress, or excess alcohol. But antibiotics as well as bacterial and viral infections, like E Coli, SIBO, or parasites can cause problems. 

We use other tests about gut health to understand these causes. Often increasing levels of food intolerance and ill health are a result of failing to address underlying gut health issues.

stool test apparatus

Basic and Comprehensive Stool Tests

The most significant differences between the basic and comprehensive tests are that the comprehensive test provides inflammation markers which can indicate inflammatory bowel disease. It also gives metabolic markers which show if there is bacterial interference with detoxification. Metabolic markers help in assessing the risk of hormone related cancers, of the bowel, prostate and breast.

Basic stool test criteria

  • Beneficial Bacteria
  • Additional Bacteria
  • Mycology
  • Shiga Toxin Ecoli
  • Camylobacter
  • Bacteria Sensitivity Panel
  • Yeast Sensitivity Panel
  • Parasite Screen

Additional criteria in comprehensive test

  • Pancreatic Elastase
  • Putrefactive SCFA
  • Inflammation markers
  • Beneficial SCFAs
  • N Butyrate
  • Ph
  • Beta Glucronidase
  • Secondary Bile Acids
  • Worm Analysis

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Head Office: Cavendish Osteopaths, 45 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9JF | Telephone: 01296 612202