IBS Symptoms

Your Symptoms

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Your Symptoms and Stomach Pain?

Do you experience seemingly unexplained, ongoing bouts of stomach pain, bloating, indigestion, diarrhoea, or constipation? Have you noticed that your symptoms and stomach pain get particularly bad when you eat certain foods? Do you feel the need to be near a bathroom at all times, no matter where you are? Yes? Chances are, you may be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common long-term functional gastrointestinal disorder that can cause persistent discomfort.

That said, just because you suspect that you may have IBS, it doesn’t mean that you really do. Perhaps you already have seen your GP or gastroenterologist and have been diagnosed with IBS already or perhaps you have yet to get a diagnosis but would just like to explore this possibility a bit further.  In any event, it might be helpful to read a bit more on your symptoms and stomach pain, and their association with IBS.


Diarrhoea is a very common condition that should happen to you only a few times each year. It can routinely cause stomach pain. But it should always go away on its own after a few days. So, if you’re used to having diarrhoea for a week (or even weeks on end), you could be suffering from IBS.

Diarrhoea – defined as loose or watery stools and sudden urges to have a bowel movement – is one of the most common symptoms associated with IBS. Now, it’s crucial to note that diarrhoea is often accompanied by some form of abdominal discomfort.

That’s because, in some IBS sufferers, rapid contractions of the intestine (i.e. stomach cramping) can cause both abdominal pain and faster movement of the stool. Meaning that the intestines have less time to absorb water from the digested matter, leading to loose or watery stools.


Do you find yourself straining to get things moving on the toilet seat? Are you constantly plagued by the feeling that your bowel does not empty despite your best efforts?

That’s constipation for you – a condition generally described as having fewer than 3 bowel movements a week. And just like diarrhoea, constipation is another symptom of IBS. Do you remember how certain people suffering from IBS can experience rapid contractions of the intestine? Well, some are stuck with weak bowel contractions instead!

This then leads to the slowed passage of waste material (stools), which gives your colon more time ie. too much time to absorb water. The stool becomes dry, hard, and difficult to push out. Thus, explaining why even the thought of constipation is painful.

So, ask yourself honestly if you’re someone who spends all Saturday afternoon trying out constipation remedies, yet with no relief to be found. If you are, IBS is starting to look like a real possibility.


While arguably not the most severe aspect of IBS, bloating of the stomach is a common, rather annoying symptom. For many IBS sufferers, eating appears to provoke stomach bloating, with their bellies becoming progressively distended over the day the more they eat.

But what causes bloating? Or, more specifically, how does IBS cause bloating? Well, remember how bowel contractions can be weaker in IBS sufferers? Because of this slowed passage of waste material, gas is thought to become ‘trapped’ within the digestive tract. This build-up in gas then leads to stomach bloating and stomach pain.

So, if your stomach is constantly bloated, such that you always feel like you’re pregnant with a baby? You may very well be suffering from IBS.
Gut health wordcloud

Ah! So it could be IBS.

Nodded along to the symptoms listed above? We can help. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with IBS but only offered a palliative solution, like laxatives, ammonium or anti-spasmodics? If so are these offering only temporary relief?  

Or perhaps on reading our guide you suspect your stomach pain and symptoms mean you have IBS. If you want to address it by natural means before seeing a GP or medical specialist, either type of doctor will be happy to rely on us if further medical investigations are needed.

But no matter where you are in dealing with IBS, help is right around the corner. Reach out, and we’ll be there. Promise. 

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